UPS-Latinx Owned


Pes Motion Studio developed pieces for UPS’s 2022 campaign, Proudly Unstoppable, which honors Hispanic Heritage Month by awarding grants to Latinx-owned small businesses to stride forward and recover from the global pandemic.

UPS-Latinx Owned


Pes Motion Studio developed pieces for UPS’s 2022 campaign, Proudly Unstoppable, which honors Hispanic Heritage Month by awarding grants to Latinx-owned small businesses to stride forward and recover from the global pandemic.

Pes Motion Studio animated “Joy Against All Odds” after collaborating with the illustrator Eugenia Mello from Argentina. This artist’s work celebrates the pervasive optimism in the Latinx culture, which makes it unstoppable.

The animation of this super-detailed illustration was carefully crafted by hand and done frame by frame. It involved tons of layers and lots of hard work, but the team at Pes Motion Studio enjoyed every second of it.

PES focused on the joy and the spirit of brotherhood of the characters in each sequence of the animation. By having them dance to a classic Latinx rhythm, we emphasized their unity as they honored their past and moved together into the future.

The “Proudly Unstoppable” campaign by Pes Motion Studio for UPS is a testament to the power of creative storytelling to inspire and empower. It’s a celebration of Latinx culture, resilience, and the unwavering spirit — all unstoppable!




Pedro Estanga Founder
& Creative Director


Carla Ricci
Director of Business Spain




All rights reserved Pes Motion Studio®