A Netflix suspense and drama series, “The Chosen One” is based on the “American Jesus” graphic novel trilogy created by Mark Millar and Peter Gross. The story follows Jodie, a 12-year-old boy from Baja California Sur, who, after surviving a strange accident, discovers that he has Jesus-like powers. Pes Motion Studio created the opening piece for the series, which begins with key art — characters on a boat, with Jodie in the center, surrounded by a sea of followers.
Employing a stop-motion collage and rotoscoping technique on a sequence of studio photographs, Pes Motion Studio breathed life into a piece in order to marry visual craftsmanship with high-quality motion design — a feat designed to intrigue and impress the audience.
Pes Motion Studio effectively immersed the audience in Jodie’s experience with supernatural symbols, signs, and voices by animating Jodie’s most intimate thoughts and feelings.
Furthermore, Pes meticulously recreated illustrations that were used as secondary elements for the opening piece. By integrating local and traditional details that authentically reflect the Mexican context of mythological realism, in which cosmic events take place in the real world, our team fostered a sense of connection and appreciation in the viewing audience.
This series was created in August 2023 on Netflix, a platform with which Pes Motion Studio has collaborated many times to create powerful, dynamic, cinematic quality pieces.